Documentation changelog

This page contains a changelog of the updates and modifications made to the documentation website. It lists the changes made to the content, layout, and functionality of the site over time.

14th May 2023

  1. Added missing M4x20mm bolts to M1.1 BOM.
    1. This is for the Ender 5 Plus bed only.

5th May 2023

  1. Update index page to add info about STEP files.
  2. Changes to “printed files” page.
    1. Changed the naming from printed files to files.
    2. Added A STEP file section.
  3. Release of the Mercury One.1 (1.1.5) STEP Files. You can find them here.
  4. Changed the Amount to READ NOTES on the Mercury One.1 BOM at the text “GATES-LL-2GT”.

12th April 2023

  1. Left Front Tower instructions
    1. Added instructions for Left Front Tower
    2. Uploaded images to GitHub.

8th April 2023

  1. Updated Electronics Enclosure configurator
    1. A Small error in the file extension has been fixed, now panels will export correctly for the Ender 5(pro).
  2. Release Mercury One 1.5
    1. Updated configurator.
    2. Updated Left Stepper tower page, more instrucitons will come.

31th March 2023

  1. Electronics Enclosure
    1. The center pieces for the skirt are now included in the configurator - Thanks to axi0m89 for telling us they were missing.

29th March 2023

  1. Electronics Enclosure
    1. Coded the Configurator, this should contain everything you need. Missing something? Let us know :).
    2. Added all the files to the docs / Github.

19th March 2023

  1. Hydra page.
    1. Improved the printed files page.
    2. Corrected a title typo.
    3. Redesigned the page for a cleaner look.
    4. Added an information message after clicking the “get files” button to indicate that the download button was clicked.
    5. Released step files and included URLs for step files.
  2. Mercury One.1 page.
    1. Improved the printed files page.
    2. Changed the title.
    3. Redesigned the page for a cleaner look.
    4. Added an information message after clicking the “get files” button to indicate that the download button was clicked.

4th March 2023

  1. Removed extra nema17 from the bom (oops) - Thanks Burger.
  2. Programmed Hydra configurator.
  3. Uploaded all new hydra files.
  4. Added Hydra changelog page.

1st March 2023

  1. Cleaned up the Mercury One.1 Printed files page.
  2. Added a license popup to the printed files page to clear up what license we use.
  3. Renamed the configurator JS files to prepare for the Hydra configurator
  4. Fixed the naming on Orbitor to Orbiter - Thanks JakobPetersson

14th Januari 2023

  1. The issue with the store popup displaying incorrectly for M5x8 bolts has been resolved.
  2. Fixed a typo on the ABS Printing Tips page.
  3. We transferred the STL file for the rear split loom from the EVA 2.4 Toolhead Configurator to the Mercury One.1 Configurator.
  4. We combined all the spacers into one file. Now you only need to print one set of each spacer you need.

26th December 2022

Introduction of the changelog page.

  1. Added a changelog for
    1. Documentation
    2. Mercury One.1
    3. Hydra
  2. Structure change of the menu.
  3. Renamed menu item Printers Projects.
  4. Renamed all the STL files for the EVA Configurator.
  5. Corrected typos in the names of screw types in the BoM database.
  6. Added new bolt sizes to the BoM database.

Unknown secret - AI Helped us write this changelog